By Surya Zeeb

Published: January 29, 2019

Category: The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter, GMO Labeling News

With introduction of the United States Department of Agriculture’s final ruling on labeling of GMOs, GM salmon may soon officially enter the market.

AquaBounty’s GM salmon is awaiting labeling guidelines from the Food and Drug Administration—although “there is no assurance at the moment that will occur,” said Dave Conley, AquaBounty spokesman.

The USDA’s ruling on disclosing information about “bioengineered” (BE) foods and ingredients becomes effective February 21, 2019, with mandatory compliance effective Jan. 1, 2022.

Dana Perls of Friends of the Earth called the ruling a “disaster.” Replacing “genetically modified” with “bioengineered” is using a term consumers aren’t familiar with, and the symbol implies the products are natural and sustainable. Disclosure using digital codes makes the information inaccessible to many buyers.

“In its current form, categorical exemptions prevent this law from delivering the meaningful protections Americans deserve,” said Non-GMO Project Executive Director Megan Westgate. “Highly processed ingredients, many products of new genetic engineering techniques such as CRISPR and TALEN… will not require disclosure.” 

In addition, animal feed, meat, eggs and dairy from animals fed GMOs will not require the label, meaning the lack of a BE disclosure does not mean a product is non-GMO.

Source: Seafood Source

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