The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter

Seed companies move to restrict dicamba spraying

Pushing back against widespread dicamba injury to non-target plants, the two largest independent U.S. seed sellers, Beck’s Hybrids and Stine Seed, are encouraging the EPA to disallow farmers from applying Monsanto’s herbicide during summer months. Dicamba is sprayed on Monsanto’s Xtend GM soybeans as a weed killer—but its volatility and drift potential caused an estimated […]

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When dicamba drift hits home

Dicamba herbicide damage generates losses, polarizes communities

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Dicamba and 2,4-D herbicides damaging vineyards, orchards, historic trees nationwide

Drift damage from dicamba herbicide continues to grow nationwide along with similar problems from 2,4-D herbicide. Drift is damaging crops, vineyards, orchards, and historic trees in many states. In Texas, dicamba and 2,4-D are causing massive damage to grape vineyards. After almost 30 years of growing grape vines, Texas grower Bobby Cox’s efforts collapsed in […]

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Nature Valley removes “100% Natural” label following pesticide claims

After settlement of a lawsuit brought by consumer groups citing deceptive labeling, General Mill has removed “Made with 100% Natural Whole Grain Oats” from its Nature Valley granola bars. Beyond Pesticides, Moms Across America, and the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) sued the company, alleging the bars contained traces of glyphosate, the ingredient found in Monsanto’s […]

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Is the end near for pre-harvest use of glyphosate?

Many Canadian and U.S. farmers have been spraying glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup herbicide, on crops such as wheat, oats, and beans right before harvest (insert link here: The practice, commonly known as desiccation, aims to kill the crop early to allow for earlier harvesting. But now with increased concerns about glyphosate in […]

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