The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter
Paper claiming “extreme” GMO opponents are ignorant contains many flawed assumptions
A new survey labels GM food opponents ignorant extremists. Claire Robinson asks whether the evidence stands up A new paper published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour claims that people who are most opposed to genetically modified foods actually know the least. But a closer look by Claire Robinson of GM Watch reveals many flaws […]
Read MoreDicamba damage to honeybee forage threatens beekeeper livelihoods
Drift from the weedkiller dicamba, in vogue again because Roundup has created resistant “superweeds,” has damaged thousands of crop acres—among them, American buckwheat, a critical food source for honeybees. Beekeepers are being forced to close their businesses or relocate. “This dicamba is the absolute worst problem we’ve ever had,” said Ray Nabors, a 40-year beekeeper […]
Read MoreA Killing Season: Dicamba herbicide upends the agriculture industry, pitting neighbor against neighbor in a struggle for survival
When Arkansas farmer Mike Wallace was murdered in late 2016 in a dispute over herbicide drift damage, it was before thousands of complaints of dicamba damage were reported to state agencies. During the 2017 growing season, 3.6 million acres of soybeans were supposedly harmed—some project ten times that number. Other casualties of sprayed dicamba drifting […]
Read MoreFrench court bans Monsanto weedkiller on safety grounds
A French court recently canceled the license for one of Monsanto’s glyphosate-based weedkillers over safety concerns and placed an immediate ban on Roundup Pro 360 in the latest setback for the Bayer-owned business. Germany-based Bayer, which bought Monsanto for $63 billion last year, faces more than 9,000 lawsuits by people who say the company’s Roundup […]
Read MoreIn a blow to Bayer, judge to allow controversial evidence in Roundup cancer trials
A federal judge overseeing lawsuits alleging Bayer AG’s Roundup weedkiller causes cancer recently ruled to allow evidence of Monsanto’s behind-the-scenes attempts to sway scientists and regulators about the herbicide’s safety. During a hearing in San Francisco, federal court U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria called his decision “probably most disappointing for Monsanto,” the Missouri-based division of […]
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