The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter

Buy organic food to help curb global insect collapse, say scientists

A global review reported in The Guardian has linked intensive farming and pesticide use with declining insect populations. Scientists emphasize that buying organic food and taking political actions to slash pesticide use are key steps that can rein in the damage. “It is definitely an emergency,” said professor Axel Hochkirch of the International Union for […]

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Organic Center pinpoints organic ways to defeat citrus greening

With the bacterial disease known as citrus greening, or Huanglongbing (HLB), decimating millions of citrus crop acres in the U.S. and abroad, The Organic Center has published a grower guide and peer-reviewed paper to assist organic producers. The organic citrus industry has been hit very hard, since organic rules prohibit using synthetic pesticides or genetically […]

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Organic Grain Collaboration releases report on increasing organic grain production in the U.S.

Organic Trade Association member report drills down into barriers and comes up with specific solutions

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Global organic area reaches another all-time high

Nearly 173 million acres (69.8 million hectares) of farmland are organic worldwide

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Grinnell Heritage Farm is farming against type—and against the odds—in Iowa

One of Iowa’s largest community-supported agriculture farms, which is built around numerous conservation practices, fights for survival amidst economic and climate pressures.

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