The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter

Non-GMO seed-breeding company to open U.S. office

Israel-based non-GMO seed-breeding specialist Equinom, Ltd. will open offices in the U.S. to serve the North American market. This move will accelerate the company’s penetration into the global food market and bring it closer to key farming communities and grain handlers, as well as to food and food ingredient companies. Since Equinom supports agronomists, trades with […]

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Non-GMO breeding and agroecology are helping to save the banana

Bananas have their enemies—one is the black Sigatoka disease, which GMO developers have been trying to eliminate for decades through disease-resistant GM varieties. None of the attempts since 2001 appear to be successful, despite the hype. Good news for banana lovers—recently researchers in Guadeloupe and Martinique, France, have introduced the Pointe d’Or, a variety grown […]

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Fast-growing, plant-based meat market gets crowded as new players emerge

Non-GMO is important attribute of plant-based burgers

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How planting prairie strips on Iowa farms could save soil, water, wildlife and money — in-state and beyond

An Iowa State University program to encourage planting strips of native prairie on Iowa’s corn and soybean farms has been shown to significantly reduce soil erosion and runoff of phosphorous and nitrogen fertilizer, while establishing habitats for pollinator populations and reducing the need for pesticides. Iowa State University’s “Science-Based Trials of Rowcrops Integrated with Prairie […]

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Gene-edited foods won’t be safety-tested or labeled in Canada—and consumers are wary

Genetically modified foods splashed on the market in the 1990s, promising solutions to world hunger, yield shortfalls, and pesticide overuse. Although Health Canada and the World Health Organization insist they are not harmful, only 37 percent of Canadians agreed strongly in a 2018 poll, and an overwhelming majority wants GMO labeling. Now gene-editing technology has […]

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