Published: October 7, 2020

Category: The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter, Organic News

Canadians are consuming more organic and local food—13% more people are buying local since the pandemic began, with three-fourths deliberately choosing Canadian. But the 5,800 organic producers need to connect more with consumers, as much of the organic food supply for Canada is imported; imports were valued at $789 million (Canadian dollars) in 2019.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Agri-Food is granting $640,000 to Canadian Organic Growers (COG) to develop a strategy to identify and find solutions to organic supply chain barriers. The investment has two goals: helping growers reach their economic potential, and getting more Canadians to consume locally produced organic food.

“We want to ensure that it is Canadian producers who are benefitting from that increased demand [for organic],” said Agriculture Minister the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau. “Our government is focused on ensuring Canadians have greater self-sufficiency and sustainability in our food supply system.”

Gillian Flies, president of the COG board of directors, added, “As we stand at the juncture of the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis, the launch of this collaborative, industry-wide project is vital for Canadians. [It] will help Canada advance action on climate change through its support for sustainable agriculture practices and the Canadian farmers on the front lines of the climate crisis.”

The investment is made through the Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program (CASPP), which is a $50.3 million, five-year investment to help the agricultural sector adapt and remain competitive.

Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

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