By Surya Zeeb

Published: October 4, 2018

Category: The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter, Organic News

To feed the world’s people while maintaining a viable planetary ecosystem, French campaign group Farms of the Future believes agroecology—including organic and biodynamic agriculture—is the only way to go.

Technology-minded futurists might envision drone-managed precision farming and hydroponic crops grown underground, but FAO rapporteur Olivier de Schutter said we need to adapt our economics to ventures like organic and biodynamic agriculture.

“The industrial agro-chemical model does not work,” said Maxime de Rostolan, founder of Farms of the Future. The group’s petition proposed ten regulations that could help farmers transition to an ecological- rather than petroleum-based system. “We see that there are more and more conversions to organic farming, and those who do convert don’t go back.”

Nelly and Christophe Bordu operate Ferme des Saveurs in southern France; they   switched from organic because biodynamic protocols are more precise, comprehensive, and environmentally sensitive. Their farm sells through local distribution networks.

“There have never been so many undernourished people in the world or [food-challenged],” Nelly said. “Agroecology, which can have greater yields per unit surface area, can clearly supply enough food.”

Source: Food Navigator

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