The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter

Organic crop practices improve long-term soil health

Prior organic farming practices and plantings can have lasting outcomes for future soil health, weeds and crop yields, according to Cornell research published Nov. 13 in the journal Agricultural Systems. The study also breaks down how specific components of soil health—such as the abundance and activity of soil animals and soil stability—affect crop productivity. “With growing […]

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Certified organic flavors now required in organic products

A final rule published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program (NOP) now requires the use of certified organic flavors in certified organic products when they are commercially available. The rule was implemented and went into effect on December 27, 2019. “It is now time that the regulations catch up with the marketplace,” […]

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Bayer Roundup settlement deal is close as claims surge, mediator says

Speculation is building that Bayer AG may settle more than 75,000 cancer claims over its Roundup weedkiller, according to the court-appointed mediator in the litigation. Mediator Ken Feinberg said in an interview with Bloomberg News that a deal could be reached in about a month and that the accord would be comprehensive. In its third […]

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EU scientists: New genetic modification techniques and their products pose risks that need to be assessed

Gene editing and RNA interference are powerful new genetic engineering techniques with no history of safe use and when these techniques are applied to living organisms, they should be regulated in the same way as other genetic modification (GM) techniques. That is the opinion of the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility […]

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Bob Randall still spreading the gospel of organic gardening in Houston

Urban Harvest is the fourth-largest community garden program in the country, and 77-year-old Bob Randall is still planting seeds. A New Jersey native who thrived on produce from his grandparents’ farm, Randall worked part-time in college in pesticide research. Soon after he “abandoned pesticides for ecology,” earning a PhD in anthropology focused on people’s interactions […]

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