The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter
FDA and Cornell reports find glyphosate in corn, soybeans, and pet food
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found high but legal levels of the herbicide glyphosate and its metabolite, AMPA, in corn and soybeans—and pet foods. “The levels of glyphosate found in soybeans and corn are of great concern,” said Sustainable Pulse Director Henry Rowlands. Of the whole grain corn samples, 66 percent tested positive […]
Read MoreDesiccating crops disperses toxic glyphosate—and we’re eating it
The herbicide glyphosate, classified by WHO as a probable human carcinogen, is showing up in alarming levels in commonly ingested foods. A lot of our exposure is due to desiccation of crops—a widespread farming practice using glyphosate spray to dry crops pre-harvest, so they can be harvested at a specified time. Nearly all conventional crops […]
Read MoreCalifornia judge expedites Monsanto cancer trial for ailing couple
In one of over 9,300 lawsuits against Monsanto, claiming its weed killer Roundup causes cancer, two California residents in their 70s are suffering from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Superior Court Judge Ioana Petrou has expedited their trial, expected to begin on March 18, 2019, in light of their illnesses and shortened life expectancies. Bayer purchased Monsanto last […]
Read MoreAs Roundup lawsuits mount, Bayer cuts 12,000 jobs, considers settling lawsuits
German drug maker Bayer may be feeling buyer’s remorse over its purchase of pesticide/GMO giant Monsanto. Faced with mounting lawsuits over its Roundup weedkiller’s link to cancer, Bayer recently announced it would cut around 12,000 jobs, more than 10 percent of the company’s workforce. Bayer, which purchased Monsanto for $63 billion earlier this year, has […]
Read MoreIgnoring evidence of damage, EPA continues to approve weed killer
Since 2015, when Monsanto launched soybean and cotton seeds genetically modified to resist dicamba, use of the toxic weed killer has surged. Since then millions of acres of soybeans and other broadleaf crops have been decimated by dicamba drift, amounting to millions of dollars in losses. Early in 2017, when dicamba was first allowed on […]
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