The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter

Monsanto trial begins over Roundup/cancer connection

Over 400 farmers, consumers, and landscape workers have sued Monsanto, claiming its Roundup weed killer triggered non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a blood cell cancer—and their consolidated lawsuits opened trial in early July in San Francisco. One dying man, 46-year-old father of three DeWayne Johnson, is taking the plaintiff’s seat in the courtroom. Johnson, a school groundskeeper in […]

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Dicamba disaster year 3: states reporting record spray drift complaints

1 million acres damaged, drift complaints up 50 percent in Iowa, 75 percent in Indiana, 400,000 acres damaged in Arkansas

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GM grass invades Oregon—Scotts not responsible for cleanup

It was an uninvited guest, but one that won’t ever leave. Genetically modified creeping bentgrass is causing irrigation problems for farmers and could contaminate non-GMO crops and natural forests and grasslands. Scotts Miracle-Gro and Monsanto engineered the grass as Roundup Ready turfgrass for golf courses—and while waiting for deregulation, Scotts planted large fields for seed […]

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Rats fed GM stacked-trait corn developed leaky stomachs

Changes seen are reminiscent of those caused by chemical irritants

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EU court rules that products from gene editing should be regulated as GMOs

In a major victory for opponents of genetically engineered foods, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) recently made a precedent setting decision that all new types of genetic engineering techniques, including gene editing/CRISPR, need to be regulated as GMOs. This decision, which was in response to a case filed by Friends of the Earth France, […]

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