Published: April 8, 2021

Category: Regenerative Agriculture

Blue Nest Beef, raising regenerative grass-grown beef since 2019, has partnered with Regeneration Farms to sell a unique poultry product, Tree-Range Chicken.

Tree-Range Chicken, raised and processed in Minnesota, are slower-growing birds living in smaller flocks using a regenerative model—in which trees play an important role.

“The natural habitat of chickens is more like a forest,” said Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin, co-founder of Regeneration Farms. “Trees provide chickens protection from predators…. In turn, chickens amplify nutrient cycling while providing economic and ecological benefits.”

The model features small family farms as part of a collective; profits come through scaling and risk reduction.

“The big idea of regenerative agriculture is to grow food in a way that isn’t just less bad, but that creates more good,” said Russ Conser, CEO of Blue Nest Beef. “Having started with beef produced in a way to help birds, the principles of Tree-Range Chicken are the same. Both systems allow land to produce more food in a healthier way.”

Blue Next Beef offers the product at multiple price points on its website—and free shipping.

Source: Regeneration Farms

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Organic & Non-GMO Insights April 2021
