To address climate crisis, state legislatures are pushing dozens of bills on soil health
By Surya Zeeb
Published: August 2, 2019
Category: The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter, Non-GMO News
Regenerative agriculture is gaining traction in farming circles—and in state governments. Climate change events are sending the urgent message that climate and farming practices are linked. Regenerative practices create healthier soil, improve nutrition and yields, and reduce greenhouse emissions by pulling carbon from the atmosphere and storing it—while lessening impact of floods and drought.
States are forging ahead with measures on soil health. Overall, in the past two legislative sessions, 250 soil health bills have been introduced in statehouses and Washington, D.C., representing a surprisingly broad momentum for what once was a fringe movement. That includes 39 bills introduced so far this year.
Coastal states are more focused on carbon sequestration, cover cropping, and rotational grazing—California rewards its farmers for sequestering carbon and aims for carbon neutrality by 2045. Toward the Heartland, focus is on saving costs through irrigation and fertilizer reduction and greater productivity. “There’s this realization that soil health and [its benefits] scientifically can be a win-win,” said Mike Lavender with the Union of Concerned Scientists.
While only 12 or so soil health bills have passed, sustainable agriculture is becoming a “significant part of the national conversation,” Lavender said.
Source: New Food Economy
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