Organic policy experts form watchdog agency for needed oversight
Published: October 2, 2019
Category: The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter, Organic News
In light of USDA shortcomings to provide corporate and governmental oversight over organic industry interests, Beyond Pesticides has formed OrganicEye, to protect the definition and integrity of the label and organic food production. As organic has grown into a $50 billion industry, corporate agriculture has worked to shift primary organic production from family-scale farms to large livestock factories, massive hydroponic/soilless greenhouses, and imports that have proven less than trustworthy.

Organic policy researcher and co-founder of Cornucopia Institute Mark Kastel will head up OrganicEye. Experienced in holding the USDA to enforcement actions, Kastel has facilitated busts of fraudulent organic syndicates. “Mark is feared and reviled by powerful interests profiting from the weakening of organic standards,” said Beyond Pesticide’s Jay Feldman.
The National Organic Program has a reputation for not overseeing certifiers or punishing fraudulent organics. OrganicEye has asked the Office of Inspector General to investigate of a fraudulent shipment from Turkey that NOP failed to catch. Choosing to ignore reliable tips from the Organic Farmers Association, NOP allowed the shipment to unload without testing.
OrganicEye will ensure that every synthetic and non-organic material petition for use in organic farming or food production is thoroughly examined.
Source: OrganicEye
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