Published: June 9, 2021

Category: Non-GMO News

The Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA) has released the Non-GMO Cottonseed Production Guidelines—a key tool for safeguarding the integrity of organic cotton at the seed level, the very start of the supply chain. The goal is to create a standardized industry approach for the production of non-genetically modified seed marketed to organic cotton growers.

The guidelines will help a growing number of Indian organic smallholder farmers growing cotton for brands and retailers. The protocols were created by industry experts using field plots at sites of three Indian seed producers.

Demand for organic cotton is skyrocketing, so securing non-GM seed is critical; contamination at the seed level has occurred, threatening the organic sector. The OCA’s Seed and Innovation Programme is the largest joint investment in cotton cultivars suitable for organic agriculture, and offers interventions on GM screening, the creation of a database of organic cotton farm groups, and capacity building for farmers and trainers.

Indian farm groups have independently been seeking solutions to the challenge of reliable non-GM seed supply. The guidelines help monitor and prevent GMO presence from breeding up to final production, processing, and package of planting seed.

OCA Programme officer Mathilde Tournebize said Partech Seeds, a long-term partner, has already started rolling out implementation of the guidelines.

Seed producers in India and Pakistan can join OCA’s Non-GM Seed Assurance Programme for capacity building support to implement the guidelines by contacting Mathilde Tournebize at

Source: Organic Cotton Accelerator

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Organic & Non-GMO Insights June 2021
