OMRI hits 7,500 products

By Surya Zeeb
Published: January 28, 2020
Category: Organic News, The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter
OMRI (the Organic Materials Review Institute) has passed a new milestone, reaching 7,500 OMRI Listed® products reviewed and verified for organic use.
Since its founding in 1997, the nonprofit input review organization has boasted steady growth to the OMRI Products List©, as illustrated by the graph above. It is a point of organizational pride that alongside this robust growth, product review time has shortened dramatically—median review time has held steady at two months for most of the last year! Such strides are a testament to the ongoing investments that OMRI makes in its staffing, application process and software infrastructure.
According to Executive Director/CEO Peggy Miars, “Now entering its 23rd year, OMRI continues in its mission to support the organic industry by offering guidance and expertise regarding inputs for organic production. When I came to OMRI in 2010, we were on the cusp of reaching 2,000 OMRI Listed products. The remarkable progress made by OMRI’s staff in recent years is something to behold, and an encouraging sign that support for the organic sector is on the rise. It’s a truly tremendous community to be a part of.”
While all organic certifiers verify the compliance of input products used by the operations they certify, OMRI is the only independent organization that specializes solely in input review. OMRI was created by organic stakeholders, including certifiers, to make it easy to identify and use compliant products for organic production. Home gardeners and other consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the OMRI Listed seal, and many appreciate how it helps them identify products they can trust amid a growing sea of options. With more than 7,500 products now listed, there are more options than ever to support organic practices throughout North America and around the world.
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