By Surya Zeeb

Published: June 2, 2020

Category: The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter, Market News

A soybean processing facility in New York State owned by AgProSoy is for sale. The facility has produced organic soybean meal and oil. The facility uses a mechanical press extraction process rather than a hexane chemical extraction process.

The factory produces a high quality animal feed ingredient for the local large dairy cow industry called “Agrasoy NaturalTM”. It can also be fed to chickens and pigs.

The factory produces natural RBD oil—physically Refined, Bleached, Deodorized, edible oil. This oil is mechanically pressed and physically refined. It has received NOFA-NY organic certification.

The factory is located in northern New York State near Canada.

It must sell now, and all offers are considered.

For more information, contact Logan Clements at 424-253-6698 or visit