Published: December 3, 2020

Category: GMO News, The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter

Non-profit GMO Free USA has called on retailers to not sell Scotts Miracle-Gro Company’s Roundup-Ready, ProVista genetically modified grass and seed (or any other GM grass), in light of the glyphosate herbicide’s danger to human health.

Letters to CEOs of Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walmart, Costco, Ace Hardware, and True Value were sent. GMO Free USA announced a national boycott of Scotts consumer products until the corporation stops developing and marketing GM grass.

Scotts is the exclusive distributor of Bayer’s Roundup weedkiller. With Bayer, the company genetically modified Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue Turfgrass for residential and commercial use—both requiring use of Roundup.

Roundup/glyphosate exposure has been linked to cancer, chronic kidney disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, microbiome disruption, and inflammation. The herbicide is genotoxic, neurotoxic, an endocrine disruptor and is linked to male infertility.

Luan Van Le of GMO Free USA says the scheme to encourage more Roundup use will result in herbicide-resistant superweeds, leading to increased use of toxic herbicides and widespread pollution of soil, water, and air, endangering public health and the environment.

“It is sickening to think that Scotts is pursuing additional channels to increase the exposure of families and their vulnerable children and pets to this dangerous chemical,” says Diana Reeves, executive director of GMO Free USA.

A petition is circulating to support the boycott, and can be found at:

Source: GMO Free USA

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