Georgia spreads its first organic peanut butter across the state

Published: April 1, 2020
Category: Organic News, The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter
Georgia grows 60% of all U.S. peanuts, but hasn’t had an organic product to contribute until now. Dedicated efforts since 2004 from the nonprofit Georgia Organic Peanut Association and commitment from a small number of South Georgia farmers has made it happen.
Twelve-ounce jars of Georgia Grinders organic creamy peanut butter will be available this spring.
Georgia Organics executive director Alice Rolls outlined initiatives in her opening address at the recent Georgia Organics conference held in Athens. “We are paying attention to the vital issues: food, land, water, biodiversity,” she said. “We’re going beyond ‘do no harm.’ We’re trying to do better.”
Conference topics included soil health, weeds, challenges surrounding organic labeling, food as medicine, and hemp growing—with climate change and regenerative agriculture often mentioned.
Nearby organic growers gave farm tours, sharing tips such as milling wheat and corn to make flour and grits, or adding small plots of sweet potatoes to boost profits. Sessions allowed farmers to network with experts about production, scalability, and price setting. “That type of interaction is where knowledge transaction happens,” said Michael Wall, Georgia Organics director of farmer services.
Black growers were another focus, with attempts to remove barriers to them entering the field; four black farmers were presenters. A lunch featured Georgia-grown ingredients, referencing Alice Waters’ Edible Schoolyard Project, which hopefully is on the way to Georgia public schools.
Georgia Grinders plans a new certified organic facility to provide other nut butter products down the road.
The Georgia Organic Peanut Association is seeking growers for this year’s crop, and plans to hold two meetings for potential growers. For more information, visit
Source: Atlanta Journal Constitution
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