Demand rises for non-GMO, EU-sourced feed

By Surya Zeeb
Published: June 7, 2018
Category: The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter, Market News
Feed compounders and dairy farmers in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria are looking for locally sourced and produced ingredients for feed—that are not genetically modified.
“We see steady growth for these fats, we expect that demand for non-GMO and regional sourced feed components will only increase,” said Dr. Tobias Gorniak of Berg & Schmidt, Hamburg-based feed fat supplier. In southern Germany (and Austria and Switzerland), small farmers are producing non-GMO and locally grown components for feed. Northern German dairy companies, more targeted to the global milk supply, are not as interested in non-GMO sourcing.
Two or three rapeseed oil suppliers are guaranteeing non-GMO fats for the EU market. Gorniak noted that sourcing the rapeseed oil, and ensuring non-GMO product and EU production, took a bit of time. The rapeseed oil fats can replace other feed fat sources; they have a higher melting point than palm oil fats and can be easier to process. They can be added directly to cow rations, Dr. Gorniak said. “On-farm application is very easy; the fats can be used as a top dressing. No special techniques are required.”
Though palm fats are easier to digest, cows have a high digestive capacity so no measurable difference is seen.
An on-farm trial of the new fats will take place this summer, as Berg & Schmidt join with a German Chamber of Agriculture research center.
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