The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter
Organic Trade Association hits back on the Wall Street Journal’s claims on organics
The Organic Trade Association (OTA) recently took contributors of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) to task over a series of op-ed pieces, which target the FDA and the organic industry. The OTA noted that the articles were “misleading and derogatory attacks,” and the association published a full-page ad in the Journal—the nation’s best-selling newspaper—refuting those […]
Read MoreFarmers mentor farmers to make the transition to organic more manageable
In rural Iowa, George and Patti Naylor are a rarity—organic farmers in a landscape dominated by corn and soybeans. George Naylor, a strong voice against GMOs and a former Sierra Club member, has been growing non-GMO corn and soybeans on his family farm in Churdan since 1976. But five years ago, he and his wife, […]
Read MoreAgroecology the only solution, says Farms of the Future
To feed the world’s people while maintaining a viable planetary ecosystem, French campaign group Farms of the Future believes agroecology—including organic and biodynamic agriculture—is the only way to go. Technology-minded futurists might envision drone-managed precision farming and hydroponic crops grown underground, but FAO rapporteur Olivier de Schutter said we need to adapt our economics to […]
Read MoreEnvironmentally friendly farming practices used by nearly 1/3 of world’s farms
Nearly one-third of the world’s farms have adopted more environmentally friendly practices while continuing to be productive, according to a global assessment by 17 scientists in five countries. The researchers analyzed farms that use some form of “sustainable intensification,” a term for various practices, including organic farming, that use land, water, biodiversity, labor, knowledge and […]
Read MoreWendell Berry’s Right Kind of Farming
The farmer, essayist and poet Wendell Berry has long argued that today’s agricultural practices are detrimental to ecology, community and the local economies that farms once served. A native Kentuckian, Mr. Berry has written over 40 works of fiction, nonfiction and poetry, and has received a Guggenheim fellowship, the National Humanities Medal and the Richard C. Holbrooke […]
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