The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter

USDA official suggests gene editing could be used in organic production

The National Organic Program rules prohibit the use of genetic engineering in organic farming and processing, considering it an “excluded method.” But a U.S. Department of Agriculture official recently suggested weakening that rule to allow the use of gene editing in organic production. Speaking before a recent House Agriculture Subcommittee meeting, undersecretary Greg Ibach said: […]

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Rogue weedkiller vapors are threatening soybean science

It’s not just non-GMO soybean fields, peach and cypress trees, and tomato plots being decimated by drift from the herbicide dicamba—it’s harming research being done at universities. Pengyin Chen, professor of soybean breeding and genetics at the University of Missouri, has seen soybean damage—curly leaves, fragile side branches—for three years, since introduction of Monsanto’s dicamba-tolerant […]

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Dicamba disaster: herbicide drift damage reports pour in nationwide

Farmer says dicamba drift damage is a “real black eye” for agriculture For the fourth year in a row, drift from dicamba herbicide used with genetically engineered dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton is damaging crops, fruits, vegetables, and ornamental trees nationwide. Jennie Schmidt is an advocate for genetically modified crops but this year her farm, which […]

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Sick children among cancer victims suing Monsanto over Roundup

As lawsuits pile up against Monsanto (and owner Bayer AG) involving cancer links to Roundup, children are being included in the victim lists. A lawsuit involving twelve-year-old Jake Bellah from Lakeport, California, diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), may resolve soon, making him the first child with cancer to undergo a jury trial. Jake is now […]

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Study finds 90 percent of families have toxic weed killer in their bodies. Significantly higher levels found in children

Results released as Trump’s EPA poised to approve the continued use of glyphosate in the U.S. for 15 more years A new study by the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) found that over 90 percent of families tested had glyphosate in their bodies. The study sought to determine whether children are more exposed to Monsanto’s toxic […]

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