Published: February 8, 2021

Category: COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts

Beginning mid-March of 2020, an unusual thing occurred—seed sellers were suddenly overwhelmed with orders from home gardeners (or would-be ones) concerned about pandemic food shortages and ways to spend time during quarantine.

That skyrocketed demand has surfaced again this winter, with some seed companies reporting potential shortages for this year’s orders.

“The demand has been massive,” said Mike Lizotte, board president of the Home Garden Seed Association

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds had to close its website for six days to catch up on orders—and predicted delivery delays. Johnny’s Selected Seeds is limiting home gardening orders to only two days a week; its seed starting supplies, including indoor lights, are already sold out.

Lizotte said timing is essential. Get the seeds now and plan [your garden] later. “You’d be foolish to think you can wait until April… there might not be a seed shortage now, but that may not be the case two to three months from now.”

Facebook seed swap groups and garden clubs are possible sources for seed. Seed Savers Exchange operates a gardener-to-gardener seed swap to access rare varieties. Experts encourage trying alternative varieties if popular ones are sold out.

Source: Modern Farmer

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Organic & Non-GMO Insights February 2021
