The Organic & Non-GMO Sourcebook
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Company Listings by Product Category
Animal Feed (173)
Canola/Rapeseed (22)
Canola/Rapeseed Processed Products
- Corn/Maize – Non-GMO and/or Organic (101)
- Corn/Maize – Blue (15)
- Corn/Maize – Purple/Red (15)
- Corn/Maize – White (23)
- Popcorn (21)
Corn/Maize Processed Products
- Corn/Maize – Bran (6)
- Corn/Maize – Flakes and Flour (36)
- Corn/Maize – Grits (30)
- Corn/Maize – Meal (27)
- Corn/Maize – Oil (15)
Other Grains, Oilseeds, Crops, and Processed Products
- Alfalfa/Hay (19)
- Ancient Grains (79)
- Coconut/Palm and Processed Products (flour, milk/cream, oil) (38)
- Cotton and Processed Products (4)
- Flaxseed and Processed Products (flour, meal, oil) (91)
- Hemp and Processed Products (22)
- Legumes/Peas and Processed Products (flour, bran) (101)
- Oats and Processed Products (flour, bran, fiber) (71)
- Rice and Processed Products (flour, bran, meal) (66)
- Sunflower Lecithin (44)
- Sunflower Meal (16)
- Sunflower Oil (59)
- Sunflower Seeds (40)
- Wheat and Processed Products (flour, bran) (123)
Other Ingredients and Processing Aids
- Baking Powder (5)
- Citric and Ascorbic Acid (16)
- Dairy Ingredients (17)
- Enzymes (6)
- Food Colors (15)
- Food Fiber (7)
- Food Flavors (26)
- Glycerin (16)
- Gums/Hydrocolloids (12)
- Lactic Acid (6)
- Phytosterols (4)
- Specialty and Vegetable Oils (olive, safflower…) (67)
- Stearic Acids (3)
- Vitamins/Supplements (30)
- Yeast (13)
Packaged Foods and Beverages (23)
Plant-based Proteins
- Canola Protein (4)
- Corn/Maize Protein (4)
- Hemp Protein (18)
- Pea/Bean Protein (41)
- Rice Protein (23)
- Soy Protein (39)
- Sunflower Protein (10)
- Wheat Protein (11)
- Alfalfa Seed (23)
- Canola/Rapeseed Seed (4)
- Corn Seed (74)
- Cotton Seed (11)
- Cover Crops (30)
- Soybean Seed (65)
- Other Seeds (60)
Soybeans (127)
Soybean Processed Products
- Soybean – Flour (44)
- Soybean – Grits (20)
- Soybean – Lecithin (57)
- Soybean – Meal (96)
- Soybean – Oil (91)
- Soy Sauce (4)
- Soymilk and Soymilk Powder (6)
- Tofu (4)
- Corn Starch (26)
- Pea Starch (14)
- Potato Starch (18)
- Rice Starch (12)
- Tapioca Starch (32)
- Wheat Starch (11)
- Other Starches (6)
- Agave (15)
- Corn Syrup and Syrup Solids (22)
- Dextrose (23)
- Erythritol (13)
- Fructose (19)
- Glucose (17)
- Honey (11)
- Maltodextrins (29)
- Malts (4)
- Rice Sweeteners (28)
- Stevia (16)
- Sugar (37)
- Tapioca Syrup (26)
Company Listings by Related Services, Organizations,
and Non-Agricultural Products
- Advocacy Organizations (30)
- Agricultural Marketing Organizations (16)
- Conferences/Tradeshows (12)
- Consultants (23)
- Glyphosate and Other Pesticide Residue Testing and Certification (9)
- GMO Labeling Advocacy (3)
- GMO Testing/Test Kits (51)
- Grain/Seed Cleaning (1)
- Identity Preservation Grain Transportation Services (2)
- Information Services (32)
- Kosher Certification (4)
- Membership Organizations (25)
- Non-GMO Certification Consultants (7)
- Non-GMO/Identity Preservation Certification (32)
- Organic and Non-GMO Software Products (3)
- Organic Certification (32)
- Processing Equipment (2)
- Soil Testing (4)
- Sustainable/Regenerative Agriculture Products (10)
- Sustainable/Regenerative Certification (9)
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What people say about The Organic & Non-GMO Sourcebook
“I am very impressed with The Organic & Non-GMO Sourcebook. I work with bulk sweeteners, oils and other ingredients, both organic and non-GMO in the United States and Canada. Ken Roseboro and his team have done a great job with the Sourcebook, and for me it was the best non-food item at Natural Products Expo West.”
Michael Theodor, President, MT Consulting, Vancouver, British Columbia