Organic / Sustainable Farming
Featured Articles from The Organic & Non-GMO Report . For all the latest news, Subscribe Now.
- Despite critics, organic farming thrives in heart of U.S. corn country
- Agroecology gaining ground in the U.S.
- The magical world of organic Montana
- As consumers flock to organic foods, lawmakers urge more federal grants for farmers
- Kansas farmer wants to make herbicides obsolete with robotic weed control
- Sorghum: Ancient grain—timely solution
- Hemp’s versatility could turn a downslide into an uptick as new opportunities emerge
- An organic agronomist’s perspective on the tillage debate
- Rodale Midwest Center crop consultants aim to “transition as many farmers to organic as possible
- AgriSecure’s “boots on the ground” experience helps farmers transition to organic
- More farmers convert to organic in 2019, beating previous forecast
- Making organic progress
- Organic farmers are “building a new paradigm” in farming
- “The Biggest Little Farm”: A bumpy and beautiful road to farming for a healthier planet
- Grain by Grain describes journey of organic farming pioneer and leader
- Global organic area reaches another all-time high
- Experts: focus on the positives when talking to conventional farmers about organic agriculture
- Can hemp become a 60 million acre crop and billion dollar industry?
- Dreaming of a Vetter World tells inspiring tale of organic pioneer and hero
- SRI and Lotus Foods—transforming how rice is grown
- The three-point plan: linking corporate sustainability goals with farmer profitability (without government regulation)
- Former USDA employee urges agency to embrace regenerative agriculture
- Cover crops gaining ground in the U.S.
- Focus on soil health is key to smooth transition to organic farming
- New certification aims to make organic regenerative
- Baseball player aims to star in a new field—organic farming
- Organic industry taking steps to crack down on fraudulent imports
- SOL Organics offers super soft organic cotton bedding for “transparent luxury”
- Chipotle using transitional organic beans and rice in restaurants
- New association aims to be voice for America’s organic farmers
- General Mills supporting production of perennial wheat
- Can regenerative agriculture save the planet?
- Rising demand for organic and non-GMO grains outpaces U.S. production
- What can be done to heal the fractured organic movement?
- Debunking “alternate facts” about pesticides used in organic farming
- University of Minnesota study: Organic corn produces better yields grown organically than conventionally
- Certified Transitional program offers opportunities and challenges to organic industry
- Report: U.S. organic farmland hits record 4.1 million acres in 2016
- Clif Bar launches multiple strategies to support organic growth
- Georgia Organics: Weaving organic food into community life, one farm at a time
- Multiple efforts underway to increase U.S. organic farm land
- USDA scientist, whistleblower aims to change agriculture from the ground up
- The Carbon Underground brings down-to-earth solution to climate change
- Organic food companies collaborating to increase organic grain supply
- Prairie strips offer solution to Midwest agriculture problems
- Fred Kirschenmann: “Farming should be self-regulating, self-renewing system”
- Biodynamic brings holistic perspective to organic agriculture
- Grain Place Foods: An organic oasis grows in Nebraska
- Genetic engineer becomes organic cotton breeder
- Ag experts helping farmers switch to non-GMO, sustainable production
- Should sustainability be a requirement of non-GMO farming?
- Study finds diverse non-GMO crop system reduces herbicides, enhances soils, increases yields
- Biological controls show promise for curbing citrus disease
- Leading scientist says agroecology is the only way to feed the world
- Expert panel calls for “transforming US agriculture”
- Organic expert receives chilly reception at “coexistence” conference
- Iowa organic farmer says non-GMO corn outperforms GMO
- Ag secretary candidate offers new vision for Iowa agriculture
- Experts debunk calls to allow GMOs in organics
- USDA issues final rule on access to pasture for organic dairy
- Vandana Shiva and the sacredness of seed
- Did USDA audits on organic certifiers find fraud or simple mistakes?
- Dole brings consumers closer to organic banana farms
- New certification system seeks to integrate fair trade and organic practices
- USDA organic report: soybean acreage down, corn acreage up
- Expansion of organic agriculture in Southeast Europe offers new opportunities
- Universities launching organic farming programs
- Helping farmers transition to organic
- New certification programs aim to encourage sustainable farming
- Organic Increasing in Brazil, Peaks in Argentina
- Cotton cooperative reaps rewards with organic production