
AAAS upholds science award to glyphosate researchers despite industry backlash

After a nine-month review of an initial decision, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has held firm in giving two Sri Lankan scientists an award for discovering a possible link between glyphosate exposure and chronic kidney disease. When AAAS originally announced the recipients, Sarath Gunatilake and Channa Jayasumana, glyphosate defenders were furious; […]

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Glyphosate contaminates organic barley in New Zealand: Who’s monitoring?

Acting on a customer tip-off, organic certifier BioGro withdrew certification from organic barley producer Lammermoor Station in 2017—unfortunately, after the grain had been sold as animal feed and consumed by livestock. Glyphosate herbicide, widely used in New Zealand, was found in the organic barley at levels above the maximum allowed for consumption. The incident highlights […]

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Pesticides in the Pantry: Report ranks 14 largest food manufacturers on pesticide policies

As You Sow recently released its Pesticides in the Pantry: Transparency & Risk in Food Supply Chains report, examining the growing risk to food manufacturers posed by the use of synthetic pesticides in agricultural supply chains. The report reviews the risks of farm systems reliant on high levels of toxic pesticides and provides benchmarks for […]

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Thailand bans glyphosate, other pesticides as U.S. pressures country to reconsider

Thailand’s National Hazardous Substances Committee has approved a ban on three pesticides, effective December 1—glyphosate, paraquat and chlorpyrifos. Forty percent of the country’s population works in agriculture, and Thai farmers are protesting the ban on glyphosate in particular—as weed control is critical to produce the large amounts of rice and sugar exported worldwide. Thailand consumes […]

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Bayer faces lawsuit horror as U.S. cases double in three months

The number of plaintiffs suing Bayer (Monsanto’s new owner) claiming its herbicide caused cancer has more than doubled in three months, from 18,400 cases as of July to over 42,000 as of November. Already Bayer has lost close to $43 billion in market value, and forfeited millions in payouts to plaintiffs. While settlement talks are […]

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