Published: March 29, 2022

Category: Regenerative Agriculture

Soil Regen is now offering a two-step verification process for food growers, to analyze their soils to determine the impacts of farm management strategies. The Regen Certified test, created by soil scientist Rick Haney and Regen Ag Lab founder Lance Gunderson, is available at Regen Ag Lab.

The first step involves soil testing and regenerative certification through a certified laboratory. Composite samples 0-6” and 6-12” are collected from the field; a composite sample should consist of no less than 10 subsamples per depth. The samples are collected prior to planting the crop under consideration for verification. The method measures inorganic N, P, and K which helps clarify the complex interactions between soil chemistry and biology and provides nutrient estimates for the plant. Each set of samples is scored on the Regenerative Certified Scale—Regenerative Certification requires a score greater than the minimum threshold.

The second step, Regenerative Verification process, includes a survey of management practices done in the previous year and ones expected for the current crop year. These are verified by a third party as described in Farm Regenerative Verification.

The process verifies strategies with factual data. The Regenerative Certified label allows marketing of products as grown regeneratively—using practices including cover crops, rotational grazing, reducing fertilizer and synthetic chemicals, diverse rotations, and minimizing mechanical soil disturbance.

If a producer’s results qualify as regenerative, they can achieve greater profits for their crops while building soil health and reducing impacts of conventional farming.

Source: No-Till Farmer

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Organic & Non-GMO Insights April 2022
