Published: December 7, 2021

Category: Organic News

A directory listing researchers and extension staff working in organic agriculture—based on the 2020 survey—is now available through Iowa State University.

The National Organic Agriculture Expertise Directory sent surveys to the Land-Grant University (LGU) in each state when the first directory came out in 2005. The growth of organic agriculture is clearly demonstrated in the jumps in organic activity in Iowa in these years.

In 2005, 42 states reported at least one person working in organic research or extension; sales of organic were $13 billion, with 2.3 million U.S. acres in organic production (2001) growing to 5.5 million acres in 2019. Iowa’s acres grew from 9,000 acres in 1995 to 134,000 acres in 2019.

As of 2020, 123 LGU employees from all 50 states reported working in organic research and extension. Organic vegetable research topped the list, followed by organic grains and soils research. Forty-nine other topics include animal science, food safety, economics, pest management, and fruit crops. The hope is that stakeholders and scientists will utilize the directory to locate researchers and extension specialists to facilitate future cooperative work.

The increased personnel reflect a growing demand from producers interested in organic practices and the environmental solutions organic farming can offer.

The directory is available through the ISU Organic Agriculture Program site, at

Contact Kathleen Delate to update or add to the directory:

Source: Iowa State University

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Organic & Non-GMO Insights December 2021
