Published: August 2, 2022

Category: Non-GMO News, The Non-GMO Blog

It’s the 25th anniversary of Austria’s referendum against GMOs in food and agriculture—and also of the founding of ARGE Gentechnik-frei, Europe’s most successful platform for certification and labeling of GMO-free food.

In the light of non-GMO being an essential priority and standard for consumers, for two weeks in June all major grocery stores promoted their entire non-GMO selections. Consumer education was emphasized, informing about advantages and attributes of non-GMO food production.

New research from ARGE Gentechnik-frei revealed that for 83.1% of respondents, non-GMO is an important or very important aspect when purchasing. Also, 81.1% consider the label “Produced without genetic engineering” to be credible or very credible, and 71.4% are willing to pay more for certified non-GMO products. Lastly, non-GMO production is particularly important to consumers regarding fresh meat (62.1%), milk and dairy (56.8%), fruit and vegetables (55.2%), eggs (54.2%), sausages (50.5%), fish and seafood (45.7%), and bread and bakery (44.6%).

The market research makes it clear that non-GMO production plays a key role in purchasing for Austrian customers.

Source: European Non-GMO Industry Association (ENGA)

Organic & Non-GMO Insights August 2022
