Sorghum bran—a nutritious alternative to wheat in gluten-free bread

Published: July 31, 2023
Category: Market News
A study published in the Journal of Food Science found that sorghum bran offers dietary fiber and antioxidants when it replaces wheat flour in gluten-free products.
Typically, the wheat is replaced with refined flour and starches, and adding fiber can create a hard texture. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service studied sumac sorghum bran to determine optimal amounts to use to make an appealing bread—one with color, texture, and flavor.
“We found that people liked the gluten-free bread that contains 14.2% sumac sorghum bran and would be just as willing to buy this bread,” said Ryan Ardoin, research food technologist at ARS’s Food Processing and Sensory Quality Research Unit in New Orleans.
Nearly 2 million people in the U.S. avoid gluten due to celiac disease, an autoimmune condition; 20% of U.S. consumers choose gluten-free products without having a medical condition.
“The potential health benefits provided by tannin-containing sorghum bran in gluten-free foods can benefit consumers who must avoid gluten as well as those seeking other food options,” said Ardoin.
Source: USDA Agricultural Research Service
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