Regenerate America™ launched to advocate for regenerative agriculture policies

Published: June 6, 2022
Category: Regenerative Agriculture
A new initiative was recently launched to advance regenerative agriculture in the U.S. Regenerate America™ is a coalition of farmers, businesses, nonprofits, and individuals from every corner of our country and all political affiliations. Together, the coalition aims to amplify the voices of farmers and ranchers demanding that the 2023 Farm Bill shift resources & support towards regenerative agriculture.
The coalition is propelled by its working groups, guided by the Farmer Leadership Council and Steering Committee, and stewarded by Kiss the Ground. Coalition partners include Applegate, Ben & Jerry’s, Timberland, Green America, The Non-GMO Project, National Black Farmers Association, Soil Health Academy/Understanding Ag, and Natural Resources Defense Council, among others.
Healthy soil is the foundation of American resilience and prosperity, but the majority of soils we all rely on are severely degraded. We are losing topsoil 10 times faster than we are replenishing it. We can rapidly rebuild our soil by empowering farmers and ranchers to practice regenerative agriculture.
Regenerative agriculture rebuilds our soil, and does so faster than we ever thought possible. By combining indigenous knowledge, holistic management, and cutting-edge science, regenerative agriculture makes farming and ranching more profitable, improves food quality and security, and repairs land function—providing countless benefits to our planet and our people.
Current federal agriculture policy does more to hinder the adoption of regenerative production than to support it. This must change. The Regenerate America coalition will leverage its collective power to put our six policy priorities at the heart of the 2023 Farm Bill—the major piece of legislation that determines our national approach to food and agriculture. These priorities include:
- Expanding and refine soil health-focused education and training
- Ensuring equal opportunity and access to all producers
- Improving regional access to infrastructure, processing and markets
- Increasing access to healthy and regionally sourced food
- Increasing farmland preservation and access including for historically underserved producers
- Incentivizing soil health and risk mitigation through federal crop insurance and lending.
Regenerate America aims to revive our soil, our land and our communities, fostering opportunities for this generation and generations to come.
Organic & Non-GMO Insights June 2022