Organic and Non-GMO Market News
Market trends, GMO labeling, and plant-based foods were key topics at Organic & Non-GMO Forum
The fifth annual Organic & Non-GMO Forum covered a range of topics including organic market trends, transitioning to organic, and labeling of genetically modified foods, as well as fast-growing trends such as plant-based foods and regenerative agriculture. About 300 people attended the forum, which was held this past October in Minneapolis. Attendees included farmers, seed […]
Read MoreGrain buyers offer contracts to grow non-GMO and organic grains in 2020
The following companies are offering contracts to farmers to grow non-GMO and organic grains in 2020. Choice Grain, LLC Woodbury, MN Phone: 651-800-4885 Email: Contact: Thomas Kopp Contracts offered: Non-GMO and organic corn, soybeans, barley, wheat, oats, rye, peas, beans and lentils. Clarkson Grain Company, Inc. Cerro Gordo, IL Phone: 217-763-2861 Email: […]
Read MoreHormel Foods, Kellogg’s introduce non-GMO soy meat alternatives
Move over Beyond Burger: Hormel Foods and Kellogg’s are the latest big players to enter the fast-growing meat-like burger market by introducing new non-GMO soy-based meat alternatives. Hormel Foods recently announced the launch of the Happy Little Plants™ brand, a new plant-forward, protein portfolio created as part of the company’s first project under its Cultivated Foods umbrella. […]
Read MoreOrganic farmers to harvest record acres in 2019
Mercaris issues Annual Acreage Report, organic farm ‘heat map’ tool Organic grain farmers will harvest a record number of acres across the United States this year despite the weather and trade challenges plaguing agriculture in 2019. According to the Annual Acreage Report, released recently by Mercaris, farmers will harvest 3.1 million acres of U.S. land […]
Read MoreOrganic farmers need long-term contracts, research to succeed
To meet the current supply shortages in organic food production, more organic farmers are needed with long-term contracts to minimize farmers’ risk, along with research to highlight the nutrient density of organic foods. These were some of the key takeaways from a discussion among noted organic industry leaders recently at Natural Products Expo East in […]
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