By Surya Zeeb

Published: December 6, 2018

Category: The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter, GMO Potato

The Non-GMO Project recently added J.R. Simplot’s genetically modified Innate White Russet potato to its list of high-risk foods. Being moved from Monitored-Risk to High-Risk occurs when the likelihood of GMO contamination in the conventional and non-GMO supply chain reaches a certain threshold—due to widespread commercial availability of the variety.

Engineered through a method of gene silencing called RNA interference (RNAi), the potato hides the symptoms of blackspot brusing. “Browning is nature’s most visible way of letting you know a product is rotting,” says Megan Westgate, executive director of the Non-GMO Project. “GMOs that use RNAi to mask the signs of bruising could lead consumers to unknowingly ingest an unhealthy, toxic product.”

The Non-GMO Project holds a firm position that anything produced with genetic engineering, like RNAi, TALEN or CRISPR, is a GMO. It has added a soy variety produced using TALEN to its High-Risk list. Westgate noted the supply chain risks due to the new genetic modification techniques are unprecedented; two full-time research staff have been added to monitor the load.

Adding to the threat of transparency, biotech companies are claiming their products are non-GMO.

Source: Non-GMO Project

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