Farmers filing claims against Pipeline Foods face Jan. 4 deadline

Published: December 7, 2021
Category: Market News
Pipeline Foods, organic and non-GMO grain supplier, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in July 2021. Farmers who haven’t yet been paid for their grain, or who had grain stored at a Pipeline Foods facility, can submit a bond claim with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for reimbursement.
A $500,000 bond was held by Pipeline to help mitigate any seller and depositor losses. To submit a claim:
1. Complete a Grain Bond Proof of Claim Form. This can be found at
2. Include supporting evidence. This is including but not limited to scale tickets, purchase agreements, purchase receipts, non-sufficient funds checks, contracts, warehouse receipts and assembly sheets.
3. Send in the form and supporting evidence by email to or mail to:
Minnesota Department of Agriculture Fruit, Vegetable & Grain Unit 625 North Robert St. St Paul, MN 55155
Questions on the bond claim process can be sent to Christine Mader at 651-201-6620 or, or Nick Milanowski at 651-201-6076 (
Source: Agweek
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Organic & Non-GMO Insights December 2021