Published: October 2, 2023

Category: Organic News

The European Union’s organic agricultural acreage continues to grow, in almost all EU countries. From 2020 to 2021, it rose from 36.3 million to 39.3 million acres, equivalent to 9.9% of total utilized agricultural area.

Between 2012 and 2021, Portugal and Croatia saw the highest growth in organic acres—an increase of 283% and 282%, respectively. France, Hungary, and Romania more than doubled acreage. In 2020, Austria reported the largest number of organic farming acres in the EU, coming in at 26%. Estonia (23%) and Sweden (20%) followed in 2021.

Six EU countries had below 5% organic farms, the lowest shares being in Bulgaria (1.7%) and Malta (0.6%).

Data from Eurostat are available at Statistics Explained article.

Source: European Commission
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Organic & Non-GMO Insights October 2023
