Healthy Food Ingredients (HFI)
By healthyfood
Published: November 13, 2023
North Dakota
Specialty ingredient supplier offering a full portfolio of ingredients including non-GMO, organic, and gluten-free pulses, grains, seeds, flax and expeller oils, with unique processing capabilities for milling, flaking, and blending; also provide consumer-ready products
Category of Products and/or Services
Legumes/Peas and Processed Products (flour, bran), Rice and Processed Products (flour, bran, meal), Sunflower Oil, Wheat and Processed Products (flour, bran), Specialty and Vegetable Oils (olive, safflower…), Corn/Maize - Oil, Ancient Grains, Coconut/Palm and Processed Products (flour, milk/cream, oil), Flaxseed and Processed Products (flour, meal, oil)