Published: December 3, 2020

Category: The Organic & Non-GMO Report Newsletter, Non-GMO News

Israeli food tech start-up ChickP Protein, Ltd. is offering a non-GMO, native chickpea starch for food and beverage applications.

ChickP introduced chickpea isolates last year designed for plant-based dairy products. The native starch has a 98% starch content and smaller granule size than pea and protein starches, providing better gelling and thickening properties. The chickpea starch is useful in soups, sauces, baked goods, plant-based meat and dairy products, premixes, and more. ChickP’s proprietary technology produces pure, functional ingredients that can be easily incorporated with other ingredients into formulas based on targeted nutritional and functional properties.

Innova Market Insights noted that the use of specifically identified starches in food and beverage launches has increased globally, with bakery applications and cornstarch foods leading the way. Top qualities for starch-containing products include “No Additives/Preservatives” and “Gluten-Free.”

Source: ChickP Protein, Ltd.

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