Regenerative Agriculture

Research finds that soil health practices increase net income for farmers, cut costs

Research led by the Soil Health Institute and Cargill has found that soil health systems increased net income for 85% of farmers growing corn and 88% of farmers growing soybeans, while reducing farmers’ costs to grow corn and soybeans. Improving soil health can help farmers build drought resilience, increase nutrient availability, suppress diseases, reduce erosion […]

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Cover crops are covering more farmland across the globe

In North America, cover crop acreage doubled from 2012 to 2017—from 5 million to 10 million acres. Farmers across the globe are trying it out, finding strategies that help sequester nutrients, reduce or eliminate erosion, and improve soil health. In the Himalayan foothills, Krishnendu Chatterjee has been farming biodynamically for 20 years, raising tea on […]

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Making America’s rivers blue again: Connecting the dots between regenerative agriculture and healthy waterways

By John Roulac Two hundred years ago, before the Industrial Revolution, the rivers across North America ran clear and blue. Rivers from the mighty Mississippi to the Columbia flowed wild and clean into the sea. In the 1800s and 1900s, the growth of manufacturing and agriculture across the continent brought prosperity to America, but at […]

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Victory Hemp launches campaign to finance regenerative hemp production

Kentucky-based primary food ingredient processor Victory Hemp Foods recently launched a campaign to finance regenerative hemp grain production on Steward, the world’s first CrowdFarming platform™. Steward’s platform provides investment opportunities to everyday people, allowing them to invest in sustainable farming. Victory Hemp’s campaign will fund the purchase of hemp seeds from farmers that need up-front funding to […]

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Conservation farming can boost soil lifespans, research finds

Soil is a living organism, with its own lifespan. Soil lifespan is defined as the time it would take to erode 30 centimeters of topsoil. Recent joint research from China, the U.K., and Belgium has found that global soil can be healed and feed humanity for over 10,000 years, if soil conservation practices are put […]

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