Published: August 2, 2022

Category: The Non-GMO Blog, Organic News

California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) has been pushing for more help for farmers transitioning to organic production, through creation of an Organic Transition Program.

In June, the governor approved a 2022-2023 state budget allocating $5 million for grants, technical assistance, education, and outreach to support farmers and ranchers to transition to organic. Funds will also be available for socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers.

This appropriation builds on the original CCOF bill (AB 2499) that outlined the transition program structure. CCOF has also generated $850,000 for the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources’ Organic Agriculture Institute (OAI) to support organic research.

Along with an additional $1 million allocation from the California Department of Food and Agriculture, the funds will a) research organic systems; b) provide extension, training, and education for growers statewide; c) provide technical assistance for transitioning; d) summarize organic acreage and practices in California; and e) conduct economic analyses of organic production and markets.

Source: CCOF

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Organic & Non-GMO Insights August 2022
