Highlights from this month’s issue:
Agroecology gaining ground in the U.S.
Agroecology is gaining greater recognition in the U.S. as a viable alternative to industrial agriculture after successful adoption in other parts of the world.
California family farmer says organic and regenerative movements should work together
Benina Montes of Burroughs Family Farms says both movements should work together to regenerate agriculture and build a better food system.
Non-GMO farmer forced to grow GMO dicamba soybeans to avoid crop damage
Adam Chappell can’t grow non-GMO soybeans anymore because they’re being damaged by dicamba herbicide, forcing him to plant dicamba tolerant GMO soybeans just to protect his farm.
Nebraska farmer advocates for regenerative agriculture, preserving family farms
Graham Christensen uses regenerative agriculture practices to build soil health and advocates to see those practices more widely adopted to save family farms.
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Monthly news magazine focusing on the risks of genetically modified foods and the trends toward organic, non-GMO, and regenerative foods.
Speak up for farmers like Adam Chappell. Tell the EPA to ban dicamba herbicide. SIGN THE PETITION: https://tinyurl.com/EPABanDicamba
A historic meeting between Tran To Nga, who is fighting her final battle to make the Agent Orange producers like #Monsanto pay for their toxic devastation, and Angela Davis, who says the struggle of the Vietnamese people is forever in her heart. #JusticePourTranToNga
GMO wheat, poisoned bread, and deception. No one knows if #GMO HB4 wheat is safe to eat but USDA says it’s OK to grow and in Argentina they’re already eating it! @ArandaDario reports (English language version) https://gmwatch.org/en/106-news/latest-news/20455-gm-wheat-poisoned-bread-and-deception/