Pesticide Hazards

The future of wheat farming is glyphosate residue free—exclusive interview with Axis Farms

Sustainable Pulse interview with Axis Farms’ Partner, Mark Sanders, discussing the future of wheat farming in Canada and why they decided it is important to certify their harvest as Glyphosate Residue Free. Glyphosate Residue Free certification is now being embraced by farmers, ingredient suppliers and brands around the world. You can find the latest certified […]

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Glyphosate and Roundup disrupt gut microbiome, contradicting regulator’s assumptions, study says

A comprehensive study using cutting-edge molecular profiling proved that Roundup and glyphosate herbicides inhibit a pathway in gut bacteria, when given at permitted doses. Specifically, glyphosate kills plants by inhibiting an enzyme called EPSPS, part of a biochemical pathway—the shikimate pathway—that produces proteins. Imbalances in gut bacteria have been linked to cancer, type 2 diabetes, […]

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Bayer faces lawsuit horror as U.S. cases double in three months

The number of plaintiffs suing Bayer (Monsanto’s new owner) claiming its herbicide caused cancer has more than doubled in three months, from 18,400 cases as of July to over 42,000 as of November. Already Bayer has lost close to $43 billion in market value, and forfeited millions in payouts to plaintiffs. While settlement talks are […]

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Dicamba damage to honeybee forage threatens beekeeper livelihoods

Drift from the weedkiller dicamba, in vogue again because Roundup has created resistant “superweeds,” has damaged thousands of crop acres—among them, American buckwheat, a critical food source for honeybees. Beekeepers are being forced to close their businesses or relocate. “This dicamba is the absolute worst problem we’ve ever had,” said Ray Nabors, a 40-year beekeeper […]

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A Killing Season: Dicamba herbicide upends the agriculture industry, pitting neighbor against neighbor in a struggle for survival

When Arkansas farmer Mike Wallace was murdered in late 2016 in a dispute over herbicide drift damage, it was before thousands of complaints of dicamba damage were reported to state agencies. During the 2017 growing season, 3.6 million acres of soybeans were supposedly harmed—some project ten times that number. Other casualties of sprayed dicamba drifting […]

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