Market News
What a year it was for organic grains; 2021 year in review
By David Becker, Fast Markets/The Jacobsen The twists and turns of organic grain prices were extraordinary in 2021. While organic corn prices saw sizeable gains, organic soybeans and byproducts made the headlines. It would be hard to write a script that mirrored reality. The first stone to drop was a ban of the largest certifiers from the U.S.’s most […]
Read MoreOrganic soybeans remain a hot topic in early 2022 prompting interest in alternatives
With continually rising organic soybean prices remaining a key point of market concern, the question for many becomes which alternative source of organic protein makes the most sense in the current market? This month we explore supply, pricing, and potential substitutes for organic proteins in the Mercaris Monthly Market Update. Soybeans remain a primary source […]
Read MoreFarmers filing claims against Pipeline Foods face Jan. 4 deadline
Pipeline Foods, organic and non-GMO grain supplier, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in July 2021. Farmers who haven’t yet been paid for their grain, or who had grain stored at a Pipeline Foods facility, can submit a bond claim with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for reimbursement. A $500,000 bond was held by Pipeline to […]
Read MoreOctober adds additional challenges to organic soybean meal trade
U.S.-India organic trade outlook still in flux according to Mercaris The hits keep coming for U.S.-India organic trade—that’s the takeaway from Mercaris in November on the cusp of a number of changes in October out of India. The impacts came in late October when the Indian Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) […]
Read MorePURIS launches new facility that doubles its pea protein production capacity
PURIS, a pioneer in plant-based food systems, recently announced that its new production facility in Dawson, Minnesota is officially online. The state-of-the-art facility more than doubles production capacity for the company, making PURIS the leading supplier of pea protein in North America and accelerating its mission to build a sustainable food system. The Dawson facility, which was retrofitted from an […]
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