Advertising Options at a Glance
Connect with potential buyers of the fast-growing organic, non-GMO, and regenerative markets
- Reach a targeted market of potential buyers of your products and services
- Maximize your return on investment with consistent exposure and reach to the
organic, non-GMO, and regenerative markets - Select from a wide range of both print and digital advertising options
- Choose from the most competitive ad rates in the business
Select from the advertising options below
Report print and digital magazine | Insights digital newsletter | Sourcebook annual directory | Website
A la Carte
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Price: $129+
You save 5%
Prices: $360 – $18,711
Choice of 3 ad options
Everything in Bronze, plus
- Featured listing (value: $299/year) in the Sourcebook Directory
You save 10%
Prices: $790 – $19,910
Choice of 4 ad options
Everything in Bronze and Silver, plus
- Prominent company logo (value: $1549/year) on our homepage
You save 15%
Prices: $1,435 – $20,578
Savings for advertising frequency:
3 issues (Report & Insights) and 6 months (website): 5% off
6 issues (Report & Insights) and 12 months (website): 10% off
Educational institutions and non-profit organizations receive an additional 5% discount.
If you have any questions, call us at +1 (641) 209-3426 or email
What one of our many dedicated advertisers says…
“It is rewarding to advertise in The Organic & Non-GMO Report, both from a business perspective and from being part of an excellent magazine. From a business standpoint, it is pleasing to hear from customers that they saw our ad, and it is always easy to work with Ken, Carol and Lori. From a seed industry standpoint, it’s great that The Organic & Non-GMO Report contains so much useful information about so many topics, and also that readers have access to suppliers for nearly every organic seed need.”
Mike Stahr, lab manager, Iowa State University Seed Lab, Ames, IA