Half of Americans say GMO foods are worse for one’s health than foods containing no GMOs

Published: December 6, 2018

Category: GMO News

Number of adults who say GMO foods are worse for one’s health is 10 percentage points higher than 2016 survey

Graph showing that nearly half of Americans say GMO foods are worse for one’s healthAmericans are closely divided over whether genetically modified foods are worse for one’s health than foods that are not genetically modified, according to a new Pew Research Center report.

About half of U.S. adults (49 percent) say foods containing genetically modified ingredients are worse for one’s health than foods containing no GM ingredients, while a slightly smaller share (44 percent) thinks foods with GM ingredients are neither better nor worse for one’s health. Only 5 percent say GM foods are better for one’s health.

The survey finds a 10-percentage-point increase in the share of adults who say foods with GM ingredients are worse for one’s health from a 2016 Pew Research Center survey, when the share was 39 percent. The uptick in concern has come primarily among those with low levels of science knowledge; there has been no shift in this belief among those with high levels of science knowledge (based on a nine-item index of factual knowledge across a range of topics).

Source: Pew Research Center

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