
Agroecology movement gaining ground in the U.S.

Holistic system offers healthy, ecological, and just alternative to the damage of industrial agriculture Organic and regenerative agriculture systems are considered the best alternatives to industrial agriculture with its environmentally damaging and health threatening practices like toxic pesticides and GMOs. But another, more holistic agriculture system—agroecology—is gaining greater recognition in the U.S. after successful adoption […]

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California family farmer says organic and regenerative movements should work together

Burroughs Family Farms wants to see unity and accessibility in the regenerative movement There is vigorous debate between those who say farms must be organic to be regenerative, and those who say conventional farms that adopt regenerative practices and build soil health are also regenerative. A farmer in California says both camps should work together […]

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Non-GMO farmer forced to grow GMO dicamba soybeans to avoid crop damage

Adam Chappell planted non-GMO soybeans for 15 years. He appreciated the premium prices he earned growing feed-grade non-GMO soybeans. “I was getting a little more than $2.00 above Chicago Board of Trade prices (for soybeans),” says Chappell, who farms 2000 acres in Cotton Plant, Arkansas. “It was a really good deal, and I could do […]

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Nebraska farmer advocates for regenerative agriculture, preserving family farms

by Ronica Stromberg Graham Christensen exudes energy and determination when speaking about why he came back after college to farm his family’s 800 acres near Oakland, Nebraska. “It was the idea that we could be solutions for the world’s biggest challenges that made me solidify that I wanted to be a part of that,” the 44-year-old […]

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