Mexico’s GMO Ban

Leading scientist defends Mexico’s food sovereignty from GM corn and glyphosate

By Stacy Malkan Dr. María Elena Álvarez-Buylla is an expert on the topic of genetic engineering who has co-authored dozens of papers about molecular genetics, ecology, evolution and related topics. She is a professor of molecular genetics, epigenetics, and development at Mexico’s National Autonomous University. Until the end of September, Dr. Álvarez-Buylla was the head of Mexico’s […]

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U.S. flails in GM corn dispute with Mexico

By Timothy A. Wise Closing arguments are in in the U.S. trade complaint against Mexico’s restrictions on genetically modified (GM) corn, with the three-arbitrator tribunal set to rule on the matter in November. The legitimacy of the trade agreement itself hangs in the balance. In the course of the year-long process Mexico has dismantled U.S. […]

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Respecting rights in the U.S.-Mexico GMO corn dispute

By Karen Hansen-Kuhn The trade dispute over Mexico’s restrictions on genetically engineered (GE) corn and glyphosate, a pesticide that GE corn is designed to resist, recently entered a new phase. The dispute is turning from the governments’ submissions and rebuttals to a dialogue with the panelists who will ultimately decide the case. One issue up […]

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Mexico defends GM corn restrictions with science

By Timothy Wise An analysis of Mexico’s response to the U.S. in the USMCA dispute. Since Mexico imposed its restrictions on genetically modified (GM) corn in tortillas last February as precautionary measures to protect public health and corn biodiversity, the United States government has repeatedly justified its challenge to the policies under the countries’ trade […]

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The U.S. push for GMO corn is out to lunch

Glyphosate’s association with cancer grows like a weed  By Ernesto Hernández-López So-called “Free trade” promises lower prices and more supply, but it derails food security. Mexico has been fighting this since the United States began a dispute over genetically modified corn. In November, a trade panel made initial filings public. They reveal that the U.S. […]

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