2014 Non-GMO and Organic Grain Production Contracts
Published: December 28, 2013
Category: Non-GMO Market News
The following companies are offering contracts to farmers to grow non-GMO and organic grains in 2014.

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Gibson City, Illinois
- Phone: 217-784-4400
- Email: sgigrain@aol.com
- Contact: Curt Haynes
- Contracts offered: Yellow waxy corn, white waxy corn, non-GMO corn, high amylose corn, and non-GMO soybeans. Call for current premiums
Brushvale Seed, Inc.
Breckenridge, MN
- Phone: 218-643-2311
- Email: pholmen@brushvaleseed.com
- Contact: Paul Holmen
- Contracts: Non-GMO food grade soybeans. Premium over CBOT, varies by variety
Stonebridge, Ltd.
Cedar Falls, IA
- Phone: 319-277-4277
- Email: steve@stonebridgeltd.org timd@stonebridgeltd.org
- Contact: Steve Ford or Tim Daley
- Contracts offered: Non-GMO soybeans (white and dark hilum), organic food grade and feed soybeans
- Premiums offered: $2.25 to $2.50 over CBOT for Non GMO, organic at market price
Meadowland Soy
Grand Meadow, MN
- Phone: 507-459-5151
- Email: meadowlandsoy@hmtel.com
- Contact: Lon
- Contracts offered: Non-GMO and organic soybeans. Call for premium information
Rovey Seed Company, Inc.
Farmersville, IL
- Phone: 217-227-4541
- Email: derekr@roveyseed.com
- Contact: Derek Rovey
- Contracts offered: White and yellow corn, soybeans
SK Food International
Fargo, ND
- Phone: 701-356-4106
- Email: skfood@skfood.com
- Contact: Joel Owen
- Contracts offered: Certified organic soybeans, flax, edible beans, lentils; conventional buckwheat; non-GMO soybeans for natto, soymilk
- Premiums offered: Paid over CBOT
The Scoular Company
Chicago, IL / Omaha, NE
- Phone: 630-874-2941 (Chicago), 800-488-3500 (Omaha)
- Contacts: Tom McKenna, Chris Arnold, Kevin Dvorak
- Email: IPGrain@Scoular.com
- Contracts: Non-GMO: soybeans, corn, wheat, sorghum, hard endo corn, waxy corn, white corn, small grains. Organic: soybeans, corn, wheat, sorghum, meal, oil, small grains
Natural Products, Inc.
Grinnell, IA
- Phone: 641-236-0852
- Email: ray@npisoy.com
- Contact: Ray Lang
- Contracts offered: Non-GMO soybeans
- Premiums offered: Offered over CBOT. Please call for details
Hope, MN / Moorhead, MN / Sandusky, MI
- Phone: Hope: 507-451-4724 / Moorhead: 218-287-5510 / Sandusky: 810-648-5600
- Email: grower@sunopta.com
- Contact: Hope: Chad Stannard & Tony Schiller / Moorhead: Mark Halvorson / Sandusky: John Simmons
- Contracts offered: Identity Preserved, non-GMO and organic corn, soybeans and sunflower
World Food Processing
Oskaloosa, IA
- Phone: 641-672- 9651
- Email: pape@worldfoodp.com
- Contact: John Pape
- Contracts offered: Soybeans, corn, yellow field peas.
© Copyright The Organic & Non-GMO Report, December 2013/January 2014