2013 non-GMO and organic grain contracts
Published: January 4, 2013
Category: Non-GMO Market News
The following companies will offer non-GMO and organic grain contracts for 2013.

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Stonebridge Ltd.
Cedar Falls, IA
- Phone: 319-277-4277
- Email: timd@stonebridgeltd.org
- Contact: Tim Daley, Production Agronomist
- Contracts offered: Non-GMO soybeans, organic good-grade soybeans, organic feed soybeans. Please call for available programs and premiums.
Zeeland Farm Services, Inc.
Zeeland, MI
- Phone: 616-748-1835
- Email: DanB@ZFSInc.com
- Contact: Dan Bailey
- Contracts offered: Soybeans and corn. Refer to website: www.zfsinc.com/seed.aspx for premium information
Sevita International
Inkerman, Ontario
- Phone: 613-989-3000
- Email: janetm@sevita.com
- Contact: Janet Mackey
- Contracts offered: Organic and non-GMO identity preserved soybeans. Please call for premium information.
Specialty Grains, Inc.
Gibson City, IL
- Phone: 888-430-6656
- Email: visiting www.sgigrain.com
- Contact: Andy for soybeans, Dave or Scott for corn
- Contracts offered: Non-GMO soybeans, high amylose corn, white waxy corn, yellow waxy corn, non-GMO corn. Contact SGI for details on specific programs in your area
Hope, MN
- Phone: 800-342-6976
- Email: chad.stannard@sunopta.com
- Contact: Chad Stannard
- Contracts offered: Non-GMO corn and soybeans, organic corn and soybeans
- Premiums offered: Non-GMO beans up to +3.50 per bushel over Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), organic beans up to $31 per bushel, call for details and programs offered.
SK Food International
Fargo, ND
- Phone: 701-356-4106
- Email: skfood@skfood.com
- Contact: Joel Owen
- Contracts offered: certified organic soybeans, flax, edible beans, lentils; conventional buckwheat; non-GMO soybeans for natto, soymilk. Premiums paid over CBOT.
Sunny State Products
San Jon, NM
- Phone: 575-576-2241
- Email: bluecorn@plateautel.net
- Contact: Leo Thrasher
- Contracts offered (list grains, oilseeds, etc.): Organic blue corn. Premiums offered by individual contract
Clarkson Grain
Cerro Gordo, IL, Oakley, IL Mattoon, IL Beardstown, IL
- Phone: 800 252-1638
- Contacts: for corn: Wyatt Muse, wyatt@clarksongrain.com, for soybeans: Tyler Uden, tyler.uden@clarksongrain.com
- Contracts: Organic white, blue, and yellow corn. Non-GMO white, yellow, and waxy corn. Organic and non-GMO soybeans: several variety specific and open programs.
- Premiums offered: Call to review programs for best fit and competitive bids. We are active across the Midwest.
Richland IFC, Inc.
Breckenridge, MN
- Phone: 218-643-1797
- Email: rick@richlandifc.com, matt@richlandifc.com
- Contact: Rick Brandenburger, Matt Bohn
- Contracts offered: Specialty soybeans and corn, both organic and conventional non-GMO
Hesco, Inc.
Watertown, SD
- Phone: 605-884-1100
- Email: hescoinc@hesco-inc.com
- Contact: Jay Johnson
- Contracts offered: Conventional or organic, whole or processed: wheat, barley, oats, amaranth, quinoa, millet, sorghum
© Copyright The Organic & Non-GMO Report, December/January 2013