2015 Non-GMO and Organic Grain Production Contracts
By Arianne Pfoutz
Published: December 27, 2014
Category: Non-GMO Market News

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The following companies are offering contracts to farmers to grow non-GMO and organic grains in 2015.
Zeeland Farm Services, Inc.
Zeeland, MI
Phone: 616-772-9042
Email: danb@zfsinc.com
Contact: Dan Bailey
Contracts offered: non-GMO soybeans and non-GMO corn
NeCo Seed Farms, Inc.
Garden City, MO 64747
Phone: 816-862-8203
Email: mjcook@necoseed.com
Contact: Mike Cook
Contracts offered: Soybeans
Hy View Feeds, LLC
Mabel, MN 55954
Phone: 507-493-5564
Email: hyview@hyviewfeeds.com
Contact: Kit
Contracts offered: Soybeans, corn, barley and oats
Premiums offered: Premiums over CBOT or other local as agreed with producer
SB&B Foods, Inc.
Casselton, ND and Bloomer, WI
Phone: 701-347-3102 or 715-568-1480
Email: ssinner@sb-b.com or tberndt@sb-b.com
Contact: Scott Sinner or Troy Berndt
Contracts offered: Non-GMO soybeans
Reimers Seed Company
Carrington, ND 58421
Phone: 701-652-3322
Email: reimers@daktel.com
Contact: Ernest Hoffert or Chuck VandeHoven
Contracts offered: Buy and sell organic and conventional flax, both brown and golden. OCIA certified
FW Cobs
Saint Albans Bay, VT
Phone: 888-531-4888
Email: info@fwcobs.com
Contact: any or all of us
Contracts offered: Corn, wheat, barley, soybeans
Montana Specialty Mills, LLC
Great Falls, MT
Phone: 406-761-2338
Email: Mike.waring@mtspecialtymills.com
Contacts: Mike Waring, Greg Buckel
Contracts offered: Canola, flax, sunflower, safflower, mustard, grains
Stonebridge, Ltd.
Cedar Falls IA
Phone: 319-277-4277
Email: steve@stonebridgeltd.org
Contact: Steve Ford
Contracts offered: Non-GMO soybeans, organic soybeans food and feed
Premiums offered: Please call on premiums offered
Technology Crops International
Kensington, PEI
Phone: (902) 836-3332
Email: VComeau@techcrops.com
Contact: Veronique Comeau
Contracts offered: Borage, crambe
Meadowland Soy
Grand Meadow, MN
Phone: 507-459-5151
Email: meadowlandsoy@hmtel.com
Contact: Lon
Contracts offered: High Pro and clear hilum non-GMO soybeans
Premiums offered: call for details
Specialty Grains, Inc.
Gibson City, IL
Phone: 217-784-4400
Email: sgidavemc@aol.com
Contact: Dave McClure, Andy Stubblefield, sgiandy@aol.com
Contracts offered: Soybeans
Premiums offered: Call for information
© Copyright The Organic & Non-GMO Report, December-January 2015